Composed and performed the sound track to the New Dimensions educational television series.
Love. Death. Religion. These are forces and fascinations that drive Man headlong into the arts. Our history is steeped in icons and tributes to those: the great destroyers and rebuilders of the human soul. Art is this communication the communication of ideas and passions. Many places in the world are the setting for the struggles of mankind. Race to Race, Culture to Culture, and Art to Art. In this program, we will explore the impact that art has upon a culture and come to understand how art can become intertwined with the way of life of a people.
Teachers are challenged, at the elementary school level, to make grammar understandable and interesting. We are constantly reduced to email and text. Words that were once nouns have become verbs. Moreover after discussions with nationwide educational distributors, like Dr. George Russell, we find, as a symptom, grammar and literature of little appeal in the market place. We are tasked, for the well being of students, to innovatively find a way to return the essentials of grammar to their rightful place.
Feeder Gary S. Schofield is a writer, artist and television producer. With a degree in biochemistry, a career in the arts and as a lecturer on history he adds all this richness to his work.
He is the author of numerous guides and teacher lessons for the classroom. He has produced educational television in both the arts and sciences, written on technology and "Science in American Life" for the Smithsonian, Fairfax County Public Schools and the National Science Foundation. As an internationally acclaimed artist his work is presented to world leaders by the US Government and his is the sole painting in Arlington National Cemetery, hung in perpetuity, where it will inspire and educate 4 million visitors a year. His 32 foot painting of the Earth from Space can be found in the Thomas Jefferson School For Science and Technology.
Gary has composed and produced education through music CDs for the classroom released by Educational Video Network, Inc.
He is the author of "The Future of War" for the book "Future Vision", "Welcome to New Zealand" the Child's World and his use of English is featured in McGraw Hill's "English n the Work Place" and "English in Everyday Life" in both the books and DVD production. 2008
Gary has also had the pleasure of many years of Latin.
Content Outline
The most effective way to understand the concepts of grammar is through analogy. Moreover the structure and order of our language comes from Latin including a large part of our vocabulary.
Be mindful also that Spanish is the next most important language in the United States and its origins are also found in Latin. Latin and Spanish are in fact Romance languages and these programs will draw in students with that understanding.
These modules are discoveries and there is nothing better than discovering something you didn't know, you already knew!
10 Modules of 5 minutes each:
1 Latin all around us "We didn't even know"
2 Meet Stewartus Romanus "Elementary my dear Roman"
3 Conjugations "I rock, you, rock, he, she or it rock?"
4 Our own secret language "Not a pig in sight"
5 Dative, vocative, ablative, genitive, "To whom am I speaking?"
6 Conjunctions Contractions and Cicero "Don't know nothing about nobody"
7 Future Perfect "Perfect future"
8 Progressive verbs "The linking verbs, action verbs dance"
9 Are you Passive? "The verb to be, I think I am"
10 Why do I speak the American English I do? "The Grammar Time Machine"
The show could benefit from a local Elementary Repertory Theatre with costumes of the classroom and Rome. With a minimum of resources we could humorously extend the audience's classroom into the program.
1 Latin all around us "We didnt even know"
Did you know Latin has all but disappeared from the classroom even though it is the basis of our language and if any of you can speak Spanish you are speaking a Romance language just like Latin?
Not Romance/ cut to black and white courting with flowers/ but ROMANCE, adventure drama, the heroes and fairy-tales of Romance literature and ROMANce the language of Rome.
Now I bet you all the money in your pocket you don't know what E Pluribus Unum means. Anybody E Pluribus Unum? There are no Americans in this class? E Pluribus Unum is the motto of the United States of America and is on every one of those coins in your pocket… that are now all mine!
E short for EX out of or from. You see ex all the time in English exit, an ex student, expelled for not listening.
Pluribus what does that sound like? Plural in English, en plural in Spanish means; many
Out of many
Unum. Uno, One "Out of many, one." This country was founded on the principle of Unity.
Principle and principal are Latin too. . principes Latin first principe prince in Spanish… hey we get principal from that so we have been talking Latin about the principal and didn't even know.
So here is some Latin you can try to have fun with and, as nobody speaks Latin at your school, we are now learning our own secret language, but don't you develop an ego because Ego is Latin for I.
A big ego is your big self or Ego Non, not I.
Et means and, et cetera and the rest. You have head of that one. Etc.
Pros and Cons, for and against, is short for Pro, for, and Contra, against.
Anybody ever wondered what AM or PM means when you look at the clock and you do this every day and you don't know what it means?
A. Ante M. Meridian before midday, P. Post M. Meridian after midday
Ante means before/ Post, after. You hear Antebellum, before bellum, the war.
Post Script never heard of that one…you have. That is why people say P.S. at the end of a letter Post after Scriptum the writing.
So you can guess this ;
Erratum we get the word error.
Ex Libris Out of books. Anyone heard of a librarian or Gladii sword from which we get the Roman Gladiator?
AD Anno Dominii. (option)
You are already using Latin names for people and didn't even know it:
Clara bright Victoria victory Regina queen Laura laurel Stella Star Amanda worthy of love
Ex luna scientia from the moon, Knowledge The motto of the Apollo 13 moon mission.
Luna, Lunatic the moon makes you crazy ( people really did used to think that) scientia from which we get the word science.
The word for is in Latin is est like estar in Spanish. So we can now make sentences in our own secret language.
Senator est Stella. The Senator is a star.
...even better "My dog ate my homework" sounds far more convincing in Latin!
Canis meus id comedit.
Canis dog as in canine, meus my .. My Dog... id it, comedit he ate. My dog ate it!!!! That is why I can't hand it in.
2 Meet Stewartus Romanus "Elementary my dear Roman"
"Latin is a language as dead as dead can be it killed the ancient Romans and now it is killing me"
We all hated Latin when I was a school because "you didn't know any better" that's right and we used to change our books from this Latin to this Eating. "You vandals" (accusingly) like the real vandals that sacked Rome in the 4th Century.(visual)
Meet Stewartus Romanus a fine Roman citizen. He uses us on the end of his name because he is a boy. Us is the masculine ending. A would be a feminine ending, (meet Briana), and um the neutral ending.
In Latin, French and Spanish (Romance languages) words for things can be masculine and feminine but not in English. La Table, female, Mesa in Spanish is female Table and objects have no gender in English so it is easier.
Now you will hear that Latin is a dead language and that it is not spoken any more but you speak it everyday and don't realize it. It can be often heard in church services, lawyers talk Latin constantly as do you and lawmakers without even thinking about it.
What they really mean is; "Latin is an unchanging language" because it was so long ago (in ancient times) that Latin was used in conversation.
If Briana and Ben say "Let's hang out and scratch class this afternoon, hook up on the net with our iPods" in Latin we would need LOTS of new words.
When you use a language it changes. Language changes even in one lifetime let alone thousands of years.
In Latin, English and Spanish we have singular, one and plural, more than one.
If I say ;
"One apple was here" but when there are many I have to say; "Many apples were here" were being the plural form.
The correct form would be "None was eaten."
Not "None were eaten" as you have been saying. It may not SOUND right, but it is right.
None stands for not one. Hence not one was eaten. (chomp). singular!.. where else have we been going wrong?....
Stewartus wants to improve his grammar. He knows his Latin and his verbs have an infinitive form (infinitus is also a Latin word).
The verb speak dico the infinitive to speak dicere dictate The verb walk ambulo the infinitive to walk ambulare amble
You see the verb changes depending on how we use it. It is the same in English but much simpler.
I Rock You Rock He, She or it Rock? NO HE ROCKS!
The verb conjugates, or changes, depending on how we use it.
We Rock You Rock They Rock
3 Conjugations "I rock, you, rock, he she or it rock?"
Stewart will show us how to conjugate our first verb and as it is a Romance Language: Love, infinitive to Love.
Amo love. and infinitive amare, or amore in Spanish.
How a verb conjugates or changes in form depends on whether it is the 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person, singular or plural.
It sounds complicated but it is not. It is just like our "I ROCK" example.
Here goes:
Amo I love 1st person Amas you love 2nd person Amat He loves 3rd person plural Amamus We love 1st person Amatis you love 2nd person Amant They Love 3rd person
Notice something interesting the pronoun is contained within the verb. Isn't that cool. it is there at the end (-o, I, -as, you -ant He etc.)
So instead of saying I love we just say Amo. The I part (or pronoun) is already contained within the word.
Those Romans were smart; imagine how much trouble texting that would have saved!
...or If I wanted to say. "he loves" I would just say amat the he part is already part of the word... the ending
...or "we love" amamus.
Say all that again
Amo, Amas etc. Learning by repetition is how you learned your Math too and your alphabet. but wait that is Greek (Alpha Beta)
By Jove I think they have got it. (Cut to Jupiter)
4 Our own secret language "Not a pig in sight"
Noooo its not pig Latin (cut to pig) it is real Latin.
If I wanted to talk to you in pig Latin I would remove the first letter of the word. Place it at the end and add e to it.
Fia Ia antedwa ota alktae otae ouyae niae igpae atinLae/ Or just nonsense.
Look at these instead:
Italia est paeninsula in Europa Italia (a female form) is a paeninsula also female in (same word in) Europa.
So similar in Spanish and English because ... that is where they come from. You have heard of somone being insular?: an island in Latin and a paeninsula is a peninsular.
Paeninsula longa est et non lata Penninsula is long and not wide latitude get it?
Note the order of words the adjective longa (long) follows the noun then we have the verb is, and not wide.
Magna est fama Italiae Great is the fame of Italy .Of Italy, Italiae, genitive. The Genative is the belonging to case. Italy's fame. The fame belongs to Italy and this gives Italy the ae or genative ending. We will explain all that much later.
We know the word great already in the Magna Carta. The great charter and document that was the forerunner of our Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Latin is just under the surface.
Senatores patrium amant et bene laborant. The senators love their country and they work hard.
Senator, the same word infact and where our word comes from.
In Washington D.C. we like to think we are the center of a noble and ancient civilization and perhaps that is why we have so many of the trappings of the ancient world in monuments and obelisk and column of Greece and Rome (visual) and Egypt.
Patrium, country. From which we recieved the word patriot. A word so often in our national vocabulary. Amant, they love. We discovered this in our last lesson. Et. and bene well. Beneficial perhaps?
Finally we have laborant. to work is to labor, of course, and just like the verb to love look closely at that ending;
laborant, they work.
There we have it speaking Latin already and improving our English with out even trying.
So now you can see we need to understand cases before we go any further and quess what… they are just like English or …. English is just like Latin.
Here they are: Look out they are coming next
5 Dative, vocative, ablative, genitive, "To whom am I speaking?"
Ever wondered about the proper way to use who and whom?
There is a key in latin and it is called the dative and comes from the latin Datum, give.
Remember it like this; I give to, to me,( mihi) to you, to them, to him, to whom is Dative.
Whom is the dative form of Who.(like your appendix the dative changes who to whom and is a vestage of a former time.)
Declensions of nouns singular plural
Nominative amicus us i the friend Vocative amice e i O friend Accusative amicum um os the friend Genitive amici i orum of the friend Dative amico o is to/for friend Ablative amice o is by with or from
We have these cases in English and Spanish too:
Nominative; the name (Yes, you guesses it from the Latin nomen; name). This case is just opening the case and finding the name. "The friend" the nominative is the subject. "The friend ate the book", amicus
Vocative;. "O friend " or "OOOOHHHH Miss O'Toole may I please leave the classroom?"
The vocative case is when you call or address someone, "O Friend over there, come here, "amice.
Accusative; The accusative is usually the one in trouble. It is the object of the sentence. "The dog bit the friend," amicum.
Genative; This is the belonging to case. "the book belonging to the friend was read", or put another way "the friend's book was read". book of the friend, amice.
Dative; ahh to be or not 2B no that is not it!
Dative, the giving kind of case!.
"I gave the book to the friend," amico. "Please dance for the friend," amico.
Ablative; the by with or from kind of case.
"I was standing with my friend Brutus just before the Ides of March". "with the friend" amice......... et tu Brute.
" the Dictator was removed by the friend," by the friend is ablative.
See if you can find these ancient and exciting cases in English even today. They are around you everyday.
6 Conjunctions Contractions and Cicero
Now that we have our phrases in Latin we can join them together using Conjunctions.
Conjunctions are part of English grammar and come from the Latin word conjugere infinitive to unite.
A conjunction is but sed, or and et, or because, quod.
So we can join a phrase like…. Briana was so happy she laughed and fell over on the floor.
The conjunction is and, and because it is a joining word do you think we should start a sentence with And?
Nooo, but we see it all the time now don't we? The period should not separate the clauses of the sentence and we shouldn't chop it at the And. (visual)
Yet more and more we see that in writing. So, time for philosophy and oratory;
Enter Cicero; "sometimes you can break the rules for effect!"
...but if you do it all the time people may think you don't know any better."
So don't start a sentence with a conjunction b B b B b B b ecause it is a joining word.
Contractions in grammar;
You are we see you're and now even Your going 2 hve 2 frown? Stuff to break a Roman heart.
Your is genitive. Your book the book belonging to you Not: You are a book (slapstick with book)
You have your email speech and your text speech but you must also understand your own language BEFORE you play with it.
The logic of negatives in grammar.
"I know nothing about nobody" ACTUALLY MEANS you know a lot about everybody double negative you DO know
" I don't know nothing about nobody" triple negative .. you don't know
(Trial in the Senate accused standing between guards in armor before serious students dressed as senators.)
The Defendant's Statement To Magnus Maximus;
"I aint taken nobody's nothing."
Let us look at the logic here as you stand before the Senate:
A double negative is a positive.
It's just like Math!
"I have nothing" +0 'I don't have nothing" (2 -s =+) means I have something, GUILTY! "I don't have nobody's nothing," 3 negatives is a -ve "I ain't taken nobody's nothing" means he is INNOCENT he really hasnt taken it.! 3 negatives is still negative.
"I ain't taken nothing" however (short for I have not taken nothing) means you DO have it ! GUILTY! 2 -ves = +
See how serious the wrong plea can be!
7 Future Perfect "Perfect future "
The Romans have an imperfect tense and a perfect tense and so do we in English!
That is where it comes from but do you know what it means?
Imperfect is something that is continuing, something that is still going on.
E.g. (which is Latin for Exempli Gratia example giving) He was running … imperfect tense The ball will still be rolling.... imperfect tense.
He ran perfect tense. The bird fell perfect tense The teacher spoke … hey perfect tense!
Now to make the future perfect (or the perfect future) we describe an event that has not yet happened. The Romans created a perfect future and shaped grammar for this 2,000 years ago!
(e.g) You will have perfected your English by the time you finish these programs.
I will have finished before 3 Post Meridian) "will have finished is FUTURE PERFECT
You'll have sung by then future perfect (sung)
If I say the ball will still be rolling by 10 Ante Meridian that will be…. You guessed it Future Imperfect it is continuing into the future.
If all of this wasn't enough fun there is also the Pluperfect Tense!
8 Progressive verbs "The linking verbs, action verbs dance"
I am sure (Certus certain) that there is this complicated part to grammar we can easily explain.
We have all heard about linking verbs and action verbs. Action verbs are easy. They are verbs of action (visual) . Linking verbs are more complicated even though they don't actually do very much, they link an idea.
Another way of thinking about them is the way the Ancient People of old used them.
They also thought about verbs as passive (visual lying around) and active. These are active verbs (visual).. You know what active is...something you are doing;
" I ate the apple" and we can say the same thing in a passive way. "The apple was eaten by me"
Something DONE to the noun, was eaten is the passive form.
What about existing? Is that active or passive? hmmm Here is the secret ...just study existing as:
the verb to be and it will unlock the secrets of linking verbs!!!!!
So is smells an action verb or a linking verb?
Here is the secret:
Lets try: Briana smells the beautiful flower but Stewart is unimpressed.
Briana is the beauftiful flower but Stewart is unimpressed.
It ddnt work! The sense of what is happening is completely lost.
So smells used in the sense is an action verb.
What about;
Briana smells like a beautiful flower but Stewart is unimpressed.
Brianna is like a beautiful flower but Stewart is unimpressed
Yes that works!
Smells used in this sense is a linking verb!
Mystery solved.
Thank you ancient ones.
9 Are you Passive? The verb to be, I think I am"
Rene Decartes said "I think therefore I am." In other word s the one thngs that ensures we are alive and that we exist at all is our mind!. Don't not waste it on poor grammar.
Here is the conjugation of the word "to be" the word that says you are you and I am me and we are and should ever be. Just me for you and you for me...(song)
I am Singular sum You are es He is est We are Pleural sumus You Are estis They are sunt
All the ways that we EXIST
"2B or Not 2B?"
From Hamlet (visual) Hamlet was asking himself the question whether he should exist or not!. to be. meaning to be here, alive?
...or are you really a pencil? are you sure you exist or deciding which pencil to write with?
"2B or Not 2B?" a 2B pencil or not hmm?
Lets learn it in Latin.
sum es est sumus estis sunt There is nothing like a chant (cheerleader)
10 Why do I speak the American English I do? "The English Grammar Time Machine"
A summary of the development of English: from the invasions of the Picts, Jutes, Vikings and Normans to the preservation of Middle English in the Americas. The American accent, spelling and Grammar.
Ever wondered why I speak differently to you. To me you are the ones with the accent and I know you don't think you have one but you do!
Your language has come from English and I will tell you how that formed;
England tribes Anglo-Saxons Jutes, Pics (Gaelic)
Roman Empire Claudius invaded 44 BC added Latin to the language. Gave the idea of the Senate Senatus Populusque Romanum, the Assembly, Republic Republica, Pax Romana peace.
Words like Pontifex Maximus, the Pontif, the greatest bridge builder between the gods and men. or Pope or Pontif short for Pontifex Maximus. The pope was there in 44 BC…there was a Pope, B.C.!
Civilization collapsed… time of King Arthur trying to hold on to the last of the Roman Empire.
Invasions Scandinavia (schofields) Dane law But Latin still used in the writings of the monks.
Vikings invaded Normandy called Normans (but they were really Vikings) brought back the Romance languages of French.
Created Middle English we sometimes call Old English today and so by the time your American ancestors had set off to the Americas some of that way of speaking was preserved.
In Appalachia the English and Scotts retains some of the Middle English We say Fall the old way of saying Autumn.
People also came from all over Europe and elsewhere and so English was a foreign language to them. What are you going to do with English then if it is foreign?
You are going to simplify it and make it easier to speak and use smaller worlds. You are going to spell it simpler and use Anglo Saxon words.
I say I received something you say I got it I say I am finished you say I'm done I say let's go, and dine you say let's go eat. I say Two thousand and 10 you say 2010
Americans are right we don't need "the" and let's simplify but there are some strange ones too:
Why do you say "take this off, of me?" Now you are using an extra word for nothing. "Take this off me." describes the request perfectly and clearly and yet you do not say that.
Think about these things sometime and you will be aware of how you speak.
Thought to leave the students.
Remember when you read a book the author is truely speaking to you in your mind. Study Latin and you can really have Julius Caesar to listen to.