Gary and the US Secretary of Defense Dr. William Perry presenting a print of his work to His Excellency Jean-Pol Poncelet of Belgium
The Pentagon Full Honors Ceremony Painting
Gary Schofield’s prints have been presented to visiting World Leaders by Secretaries of Defense: William Perry, William Cohen, and Donald Rumsfeld, and by Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: General Shalikashvili and General Shelton.
The Congressional Medal of Honor was placed on permanent display with the Congressional Medal of Honor painting at the Quartermaster Museum, Fort Lee, VA in 1999.
Watch a clip from "Honor Deferred" with Samuel Jackson, where you will see these actual historical events dramatized:
The Congressional Medal of Honor painting is one of Gary Schofield's most striking and dramatic works. The poignant history, sacrifice and humanity reflect back and shine into our own lives.
The Painting of Iwo Jima was chosen for the 50th anniversary image of the battle of Iwo Jima Commemoration.